Sunday, February 17, 2013

Catching Up!

This past week has been busy, so let me catch you up.

On Monday, Hayley, Julie, and I went to lunch and then went in search of a famous gelato place called Vivoli. My mom told me that she is renaming semester abroad to "semester of wine and gelato." I can't help it that the gelato is so delicious and the wine is a part of the culture you just can't pass up. Anyway, the gelato place is closed until the 18th. We'll go back and I'll report in.
Since the three of us don't have class on Mondays, we have declared Mondays to be "Zetas in Italy Mondays." Hayley doesn't live with us so we miss seeing her; it will be good to have a designated time for the three of us to spend some quality sister time.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were busy with classes. Three of the four roomies (Julie, Ellen, and I) are sick, so we tried to lay low and go to bed early. The laying low part worked, but we are bad about going to bed early! We stay up sitting around the kitchen table talking, blogging, doing homework, and laughing. I guess that isn't so bad. I love my roommates! We get along really well.
My classes are going well. I really enjoy my Global Business class. Momma and Daddy would have been so proud of me when I correctly answered a question about stocks and bonds. Maybe their little girl will like finance like them after all!

On Thursday, there was no way to forget it was Valentine's day. Italians are passionate about love on a normal day; a designated holiday for love took it to the next level. Girls carried around roses and flowers were for sale on every corner.
The TCU group went to the opera. It was a performance of La Boheme at a local church. We were excited to get dressed up and act fancy. After about 5 minutes of the performance, it was very clear that most of us just aren't opera people. I have no shame in saying I must not be sophisticated enough to enjoy the art of opera. While the singing was beautiful, I had no idea what was going on. Apparently it is a very moving story because the lady next to me was crying and singing along. Maybe one day I will learn to appreciate it. Probably not though.
After the performance, Julie, Ellen, Janette, Trey, Chris, and I went to dinner. I love the long, leisurely meals here. It is also nice that most places don't have wifi. Phones are away and we all grow closer over two or even three hours.

Friday was our first day trip with TCU. We went to Lucca, the city of 100 churches. Lucca is an old medieval town with the walls surrounding it still intact. The morning was spent on a guided tour where we went in some churches and then got to climb on top of the walls. The town is pretty, but I like Florence better! After the tour, Trey, Julie, Ellen, Laura, and I ate a long lunch outside and enjoyed the sun. We walked around the town and then sat on the wall for a while before leaving. This was my favorite part of the day. I loved relaxing and taking in the mountain views surrounding us.

View from the walls of Lucca


When we got back to the Florence train station, we were right across from Burger King and Ellen insisted we stop in for some American food. She wore the BK crown and ate a burger while the rest of us watched. I did sneak a bite and it was so good! Reminded me of home. I don't even like burgers!

I don't know if I have ever seen her this happy

After Burger King, we went to the chocolate festival. I think I am going to start one of these in Dallas when I get back. Never-ending booths selling artisan that is a little slice of Heaven right there! I bought some macaroons and truffles and am savoring them as I write this.

Saturday we had a roomie day and hiked to my favorite place in Florence, Piazzale Michelangelo. I have talked about this before, but I mean it when I say: if you ever go to Florence, you must go here. This time I took my zoom lens for my camera and took beautiful pictures!  

Looking out over my favorite city

So happy to be experiencing this beauty with one of my best friends!

Frogs in Florence! 

How beautiful?!

I live here!

My sweet mom comes in on Thursday and I cannot wait to see her! Plus, she is bringing me everything I forgot to pack. I am excited to show her around my new home. 

Ciao for now!

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