Thursday, February 21, 2013

I am actually studying!

We are starting to get into a routine for the week and I feel settled in. Monday was spent being lazy around the house. We studied, watched TV, and relaxed.

Tuesday was a full day of long classes. At the beginning of every International Law class, the professor asks us questions about notes and reading from the previous week. We aren't allowed to look at our notes and it is in front of the entire class. I was so nervous going into class, and of course she asked me the first question. Good news though: I got it right! Thank goodness! Julie got her's right too so we were relieved. Tuesday ended with a quiz in Pairing Food and Wine. After the quiz, we were rewarded with three types of wine, Bruschetta, and Suppli di Riso. Suppli is classic Roman street food and it is FRIED! This southern girl has missed fried food. Suppli is the perfect mix of my Italian life and my Texas life. See the recipe below. It is delicious and pretty easy to make.

My professor, Giancarlo, showing us the ropes
After cooking class, the roommates and I all met up to try the famous gelato place, Vivoli. Last time we went, it was closed for vacation. It was divine. I had a chocolate flavor and I cannot wait to go back to try more. It definitely lived up to the hype! 

Wednesday I only had one class, World Religions. We went on a field trip to a synagogue that is famous in Florence. Yes, there are Jewish people in a very Catholic country like Italy. The synagogue was beautiful and had a lot of history. 
Wednesday night, my apartment and another apartment went to a late dinner at our favorite restaurant, Osterio Santo Spirito. So far, we haven't had anything bad there; and we have been a lot. The walnut ravioli is my favorite, with the truffle gnocchi and zucchini risotto coming in at a close second. 
Gnocchi at Osterio Santo Spirito

Risotto at Osterio Santo Spirito

Today (Thursday) has been a good day so far. The best news is that my Mommy comes in! I am going to wait for her at her hotel as soon as I finish this. 
This morning I had my first Italian quiz. I was nervous and stayed up late studying but I think it went really well. Then at noon I had a paper due in my Global Business and Society class. This class is my favorite class, so I wanted to impress the professor and spent a long time writing the paper. Hopefully she likes it! 
My roommates are off to Austria this weekend. My mom and I are going to Milan and Lake Como! Check back for pictures next week!

Suppli di Riso
2 tbsp butter
1 2/3 cups Arborio rice (basically risotto)
3 generous cups of broth (chicken is fine)
6 tbsp freshly grated parmesan cheese
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 egg yolk, beaten
6 oz mozzarella cheese, cut into small squares
1 egg, beaten
1 1/2 cups fine dry breadcrumbs
Oil for deep frying (we used sunflower seed oil)
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add rice and brown for a few minutes over high heat.
Meanwhile, bring stock to a boil in another sauce pan. Add it to the rice a little at a time over medium-low heat; at the end of 15 minutes, the rice should be very dry. Add the parmesan, adjust seasoning with salt and pepper and flatten rice out onto a board to cool. 
When the rice is cold, thoroughly mix in the egg yolk. Form the rice into balls the size of an egg. Push a hole into the center of each, put a cube of mozzarella, and close the rice mixture over it.
Roll each ball in beaten egg and coat with breadcrumbs.
Heat the oil in a deep fryer (we just used a skillet on the oven). Fry the balls of rice until golden brown. Drain well on paper towels. Serve hot, warm, or at room temperature. 
Recipe serves 6.
Here are a couple pictures of Florence! 
 Arno River at night

A rainy day in Firenze

Bacci bacci bacci!

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