Thursday, April 25, 2013

Amalfi Coast

Ciao ciao!
This past weekend I went to the beautiful Amalfi Coast with Julie, Janette, Ellen, and Trey. We stayed at Esperidi Resort in Sorrento and it was a wonderful break from the typical hostels we stay in. The five of us had our own bungalow that had a living area, bathroom, and kitchen. The hotel staff was really accommodating and helpful. The grounds were covered with lemon and orange trees and sweet white stucco villas. This is definitely a resort I would return to.

Day 1 (Capri):
We woke up early to leave for Capri at 7:15 in the morning. Mind you, we arrived to the hotel around 3:30 that morning, so we didn't have much time to sleep.  We took the ferry to Capri and immediately boarded smaller boats for a cruise around the island. The weather was perfect and they played music on the boat; it was a really fun and pretty ride. We made a stop at the Blue Grotto where we got in canoes and went inside. The Blue Grotto is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and is truly amazing inside.

Inside the Blue Grotto

After our ride around the island was over, we walked up to the town of Capri. Capri is full of jewelry shops and designer stores; I had fun window shopping!

 The view from Capri

With Trey in Capri

With Julie and Ellen in Capri

After a short stop in Capri we took a bus up to Anacapri where we had lunch. Capri and Anacapri were favorite spots of Jackie O. In fact, I had a pair of sandals made at her favorite sandal shop in Anacapri. I got to watch the shoemaker make my sandals. We also did a lemoncello tasting and a chocolate tasting. I was a happy happy girl!

The shoemaker's workshop

We grabbed some gelato before getting on the chairlift to go to the top of Anacapri. The ride was beautiful but not as pretty as the view from the top. We stood above the clouds and looked out at open waters on one side and the Amalfi Coast on the other. After taking in the sights and buying a few postcards, we grabbed a convertible taxi to take us back to the port.

The roommates in Anacapri

View from the top of Anacapri

That night we ordered in pizza to the hotel and played cards. We were tired after a long day and two hours of sleep! 

Day 2 (Positano):
Our day in Positano was a nice relaxing beach day. We stayed on the beach all day except to get sandwiches at a yummy shop called Vini and Panini. It was wonderful to have a day with no agenda. I finally have some color and feel ready for summer! 
That night back in Sorrento we had delicious seafood at a restaurant near the hotel. The seafood on the coast was to die for and a much-needed change from our all carb diet here in Florence.

On the way home from the Amalfi Coast we stopped in Pompeii for a tour of the ruins and lunch. It was an interesting and educating end to a relaxing, beachy weekend!

Later today I will head out for my final weekend trip. This time I am going to Portugal!

Off to pack!


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