Thursday, April 18, 2013

One Month!


In exactly one month I will be back in the land of Mexican food, southern accents, and big trucks! I really am so excited to get home to lazy days on the boat with my family and friends.

In the mean time, I have some fun stuff coming up!
Tonight we (Julie, Janette, Ellen, Trey, and I) leave for the Amalfi Coast. My family and I were there 6 years ago and fell in love with it. I absolutely cannot wait to get back. We are staying in Sorrento but will also visit Capri, Positano, and Pompeii. I look forward to lazy days by the pool enjoying the gorgeous views. Check back for a post with beautiful pictures!

Next weekend I am going to Lisbon, Portugal with two of my good friends from high school. Katy was my tennis partner and is studying at Oxford in London (she's a smarty-pants). Marti and I have been close friends for about 4 years now; she never fails to provide the entertainment. I haven't been to Portugal, so I can't wait to add another country to the list! I have a feeling the blog post about Portugal will be just as pretty as the one from Amalfi.

Lastly, to my fellow Texans: stick together during this tragedy in West, Texas. If any state can handle a disaster, it is Texas. I woke up to a status on Facebook from one of my best friends, Meridith, encouraging people to give blood as she had. Texans really know how to take care of one another. I am sure that, like Meridith, everyone at home is doing what they can to provide for those in need.

Texas Forever,

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