Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ready or I come!

In 48 hours I will be headed to the airport with two 50 pound bags ready for the greatest adventure of my life so far! Along with 26 other Horned Frogs, I will be joining the many international students who study abroad in Florence, Italy each year.

I am lucky to know two of the girls going really well. My wonderful sorority sisters Hayley and Julie are embarking on this journey with me. I can't wait to see how our relationship grows over the next 3 and a half months. Our sweet friends who are staying in Fort Worth had a dinner for us to say goodbye. I am sad to leave my girls, but look forward to their visit for spring break. I can't even imagine the fun we will have! Seven Zetas on the loose in Europe! Watch out!

How cute is that cake?

I am flying out of DFW with seven other people in the group (party at 30,000 feet), so I am excited to get to know them better. Once we arrive, I will have about two days to explore the city before orientation starts. After one night of orientation, we find out where we will be living for the semester. Actual school starts February 4th. Any normal person would dread this day, but I am actually excited for my classes. I will be taking International Law, World Religions, Global Business and Society, Italian, and Food and Wine Pairings. Three days of week will be dedicated to class, which leaves four days for traveling. It really doesn't get much better than that!

Although I have traveled a lot, I have never done anything like this. The thought of hostels and last-minute trips freaks me out a little bit, but I know that every experience will be an opportunity for me to grow as a person
Get ready Florence, 27 Frogs are headed your way!

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