Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Penny for Your Thoughts

If I had a penny for every thought I have had while here, I would be buying a lot more gelato. Here are just a few of my thoughts/observations thus far:

1. "Wow, this city is beautiful."
2. "My feet hurt."
3. "Gelato is dangerous."
4. "I really wish I knew Italian."
5. "I hope those postcards get to the US since the guy didn't speak English."
6. "Asians are taking over the world."
7. "Can I stay here forever?"
8. "This food is the best."
9. "Get away from me creepy Italian man."
10. "What? Cheap wine tastes good here?!"
11. "I can't believe I live here."
12. "A cappuccino a day keeps the doctor away."
13. "There are a lot of northerners in my classes."
14. "I want to meet someone from the Medici family."
15. "What do you mean I have to write a 10 page paper? I'm studying abroad!"
16. "School in Florence is way better than school in the US."
17. "So much history. I love it."
18. "Wow."
19. "I'm lucky."

And here are some pictures of this magnificent city!

Streets of Firenze

Baptistry Doors

Cathedral of Florence

 Rainy day outside the Cathedral

Julie and me on the Ponte Vecchio

View from the Ponte Vecchio
I walk past this EVERY day!!!

Roommates on the Ponte Vecchio

Piazza della Repubblica



Abbracci e baci!
Hugs and kisses!

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