Saturday, February 2, 2013

Home Sweet Home

I have spent two nights in my new home and am just as happy as can be! Thursday morning bright and early we stood on the sidewalk outside the hotel with all of our luggage as taxis picked us up and delivered us to our apartments. This was the first time we found out with whom we were living and where we would be living. My expectations were low because everyone talks about the different living standards. When the cab dropped us off we walked in and found out that the elevator was broken. We are on the 5th floor, which here is really the 6th floor. Pulling heavy bags up 6 flights of stairs early in the morning was not the way we wanted to start off the three months.

Finally we entered the apartment (with blisters on our hands and aching shoulders) and were all pleasantly surprised. We have a large living room and dining room, a do-able kitchen, and two big bedrooms. My roommate is Julie; Ellen and Janette are in the other room. Julie and I have a room that is downstairs. It is kind of nice to have a place separate from the rest of the house. Our building is steps away from the gorgeous jewelry stores on the historic Ponte Vecchio. Here are some pictures of our apartment! I love the homey feel.

Nice living room

Dining room

Entry way

Living room with stairs down to my room

Excited to make some Italian cuisine in this kitchen


My bedroom that I share with Julie

Big bathroom

We just planned our first trip! A group of us are headed to Carnival in Venice next weekend. All of the hostels were booked so we are spending 24 hours there with no place to sleep. Get ready for a great blog on that adventure.

Love from Firenze,

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