Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Roommates

You've seen my apartment; you've heard about my trips; now it's time to hear about the wonderful three ladies I live with.

Julie from Southlake, TX:
Julie and I have known each other since the very beginning of freshman year when we both pledged Zeta. We lived next door to each other in Sherley freshman year and then we both lived in the Zeta house for the next year and a half. Like me, Julie is studying Political Science and plans on going to law school. She is also an Art History major, so she is a great tour guide around the city of Renaissance art.
Another fun tidbit about Julie is that she, along with many other of my friends, plans on marrying my brother.
I am so happy to be going through this experience with one of my very best friends.

Janette from Fort Worth, TX:
Janette is a Sophomore at TCU who was one of the eight "Florence Frogs" on my flight from DFW. She has such a kind heart and can make friends with anyone. Her nickname is "J-Bird" because she flies away from the nest and doesn't come back for a long time. She will leave the house to pick up some groceries and two hours later she returns talking about how she ran into one of her many friends. Not only does she have a million friends, but she also cares deeply for each one. I am lucky to have her in my life!

Ellen from St. Louis, MO:
Ellen and I did not know each other before coming here, but our mutual friend Hayley said we would get along well because we are very similar. Hayley was right! She definitely challenges my title as "Monogram Queen" and we usually order the same thing when we are out to dinner. Ellen is always entertaining us and is a joy to be around.
I am looking forward to continuing our friendship after Florence. We have so many memories together, and I know we will be friends for a long time!

I scored in the roommate category! I could not imagine better girls be by my side as we explore this crazy Italian life. Thank you Julie, Janette, and Ellen for making my time here a million times better!

Be looking for a post about spring break to Prague, Berlin, and Amsterdam!

Happy happy Easter everyone!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An Adventurous Week

I am in the middle of midterms, but got a text from Momma Dearest saying "when are you going to update your blog??" That was all I needed to put off studying Italian and Global Business to work on this post.
Last week (March 10-16) four of my sorority sisters flew to Florence to visit Julie, Hayley, and me. It was quite the eventful week; I don't even know where to begin.

Day 1:
Monday morning we met up with Rachel and Amy who had flown in the night before.
First adventure of the week: their bags did not make it to Florence.
We walked around a little bit and then headed inside the Duomo to look around and then climb up the 463 steps to the top of the Cupola. The views were stunning and hopefully made up for the girls' lack of clothes and makeup.
I was so happy to reunited with these two!

Beautiful 360 degree views of Firenze

After climbing the Duomo, we went to lunch at our number one favorite restaurant Osteria Santo Spirito. We'll take any excuse to order some truffle gnocchi or walnut ravioli.
Second adventure of the week: Meridith and Shelby flew standby and it took them four days to get in. They finally flew to Zurich and took a six hour train. That is dedication right there! 
We picked them up from the train station and third adventure of the week: their bags were still in the U.S.
We all headed back to the apartment to shower and get ready for dinner at one of our favorite splurge restaurants, Acqua al 2. Acqua al 2 is famous for its blueberry steak, and at the end of the meal we were all thoroughly satisfied. After dinner we headed out for a little while, but were all tired and our friends had to wake up early to go to Rome.

Day 2:
On Tuesdays Julie, Hayley, and I all have class the whole day, so Meridith, Shelby, Amy, and Rachel decided to go to Rome for the day. I am so glad they got to be there and witness the excitement of the Conclave; they can say they were there the day before Pope Francis was chosen.
I got home from a full day of class around 5:45, went straight to the dining room table, sat down, and got on my phone. Five minutes later, my roommate Janette came home and went into her room. She came out and said, fourth adventure of the week, "Sarah I think someone broke into our apartment." At first, I didn't believe her. I thought that Ellen or Julie had just made a mess and didn't have time to clean it up. Then, I went half-way down the stairs to my room and saw that my drawer was open and completely emptied onto the floor. I went back upstairs, we grabbed the laptops and ran out of the apartment. We got in touch with Julie and Ellen who rushed home, and we waited for our program director to come over and survey the apartment. He came over and checked the apartment before we went in again to see if anything of ours was missing. All that had been taken were copies of passports, Julie's Nike workout pants, Ellen's underwear, and Girl Scout Cookies Meridith had brought. Yes, you read that right; they stole underwear and Girl Scout Cookies. How rude! 
When we realized that everything important was still in our possession and confirmed that our locks would be changed, we had fun making up theories about the robber's identity. The most probable story, and the one that our Italian professors believe, is that they were Gypsies. Gypsies are the women in long skirts who walk around begging for money or food. We are convinced they are fake; Julie saw one pull out an iPhone. Anyway, since the robbers took food and clothes, we believe they were looking Gypsies looking for food, clothes, and jewelry. Thank goodness none of us have nice jewelry here. One of Julie's fake gold bangles was bent; it was obvious they were checking to see if it was real gold.
The good news is we are all okay, nothing important was taken, and we have quite the story to tell! 

Day 3:
Wednesday morning and early afternoon was spent on our fifth adventure of the week: experiencing the Italian police station. We filed a report, but know nothing will happen. The police went back and forth between blaming us and not believing us. Again, we are just happy everyone is okay; it doesn't matter what the police think. 

An Italian police report is a pretty cool souvenir
After class, we went to La Giostra, another one of our favorite splurge restaurants. When we got to our table, we got free appetizers and then a free bottle of wine that costs 80 euro. Life is hard over here in Italy! 

 Roomies reunited

Day 4:
Thursday our friends visited some museums while we were in class and then we met up later that afternoon. We went to a wine store nearby that has a basement where you can drink wine and eat cheese and meat. It is a cozy little place and the perfect atmosphere for all of us to catch up. I have really missed our quality talks. After a crazy week, it was nice to relax and truly enjoy the company of one another. We went to a late dinner before a night out on the town. 

Chris, Rachel, Trey, Julie, Amy, me, Meridith

Day 5:
Friday morning, we were up and ready for a hike up to Piazzale Michelangelo. We walked back down and grabbed sandwiches while Rachel, Amy, Meridith, and Shelby picked up some things to take back to friends and family. We had to say goodbye to Rachel and Amy Friday afternoon when they boarded a train for the Bologna airport.  
That night we went to a send-off dinner for our friend Chris. He ran the Rome Marathon last Sunday! The TCU group is all so proud of him! I was glad Meridith and Shelby got to meet some more of our friends. We were ready for bed after a yummy pasta dinner. 

Day 6: 
Saturday, Julie and I woke up and started studying while Shelby and Meridith tried to figure out how they would be getting home. We met them for lunch at Pino's sandwich shop before they got on a train to Rome. Pino's sandwich shop is actually called Salumeria Verdi but it is owned by a man named Pino. Pino makes the sandwiches, his wife makes the pasta, and his father-in-law runs the cash register; what a classic Italian family business! The sandwiches are by far the best in Florence. 

I loved having Meridith, Shelby, Rachel, and Amy in town for the week. I needed that taste of home and time with my best friends! Even though it was definitely the most exciting, adventurous week of the trip, it was full of countless memories and great stories. I couldn't imagine better people to experience this past week with. 

Now it is back to studying for my last two midterms I have tomorrow. Tomorrow night I leave for spring break: Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, and then back to see my sweet family!

Love to all!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Sorry for the delayed posting, but my friends from school have been in town, so this week has been much busier than usual.
Last weekend (March 7-10), Julie and I went with Bus2Alps to Interlaken, Switzerland. This was a trip both of us were looking forward to, and it definitely exceeded all of our expectations. At about 10:45 p.m., I zipped up my bag, picked it up, and cringed as I watched the zipper split. Maybe I should've picked a bigger duffel for weekend trips. Luckily, Julie and I fixed it and headed to the train station to meet at 11 and drive through the night.

Friday (Day 1)
After an 8 hour bus ride, we arrived to the hostel, Backpackers Villa, and checked into the room. Julie and I were with 2 girls studying in Rome. The hostel was very nice, clean, and new. The beds were comfortable and the free breakfast was delicious. The best part was the hot chocolate! It reminded me of the hot chocolate we used to have after a day of skiing in Taos.
Once we settled in a little, Julie and I signed up for paragliding and then went and walked around the town; it was exactly what I imagined a little Swiss town would be like.
We met back at the hostel at 10:45 to meet the people from Paragliding Interlaken. They first took us to get some ski pants. I obviously did not have room to pack these, so I'm glad they had some we could use. We also got some really attractive hiking boots.

 I was loving the red pants!

After "improving" our wardrobe we got in the van to drive up to the top of a mountain with our pilots. While in the van, they showed us a instructional video and gave us the consent forms. The expected jokes were made when the pilots found out Julie and I are going to law school.

Nervous selfies

We got to the side of the mountain and put on our backpacks with carabiners and other safety stuff while our pilots set up the parachute.

Ready to go with my backpack!

Standing on the side of the mountain

Our parachutes matched our pants

My pilot, Kusi, counted to three, I ran down the hill, the parachute popped up, and suddenly I was flying! It was so surreal to fly over the Swiss Alps. What a great way to see the breathtaking mountains powdered with snow!

Birdseye view

After paragliding, we walked around the town and went to a delicious juice bar called Blueberry's. Since my diet consists of a lot of pasta, it was nice to have some fresh squeezed juice. That afternoon we went to a chocolate show where we learned about the process of making chocolate and watched a man craft artisan chocolate. The best part: free samples! So much for that healthy juice...
That evening we went night sledding. We took a gondola up and sledded down a 6 mile course. In a group of northerners, the two Texas girls really stood out. We had absolutely no idea what we were doing. I had some mysterious bruises the next day, but it was worth it! How did I go my whole life without sledding? The trail ended at a quaint cottage where we ate a classic Swiss dinner with fondue. This was one of my favorite things we did! I really felt like I was experiencing the true Switzerland. 

Saturday (Day 2)
We woke up early and boarded a bus to drive the 2 hours to Zurich. Maggie, one of the Bus2Alps staff members, was our guide for the day. We went first went to a Starbucks because we can't get Starbucks in Italy. After a quick stop for coffee, we went to a cathedral in town and then walked to a classic Swiss beer hall. I ordered bratwurst with rosti (the Swiss version of hash browns) and the house beer. I loved the atmosphere and the food wasn't half-bad either! 

Outside the beer hall

After lunch, Maggie took us to her favorite chocolate place in town called Teuscher. I quickly detoured to the Cartier store conveniently located across the street and then went in chocolate shop to try their famous champagne truffles. Maggie knows the owner, so we got a lot of free samples (this seems to be a theme of the trip) and I bought some extra champagne truffles for the bus ride home. There is a Teuscher store in NYC, so I will definitely be making a trip there next time I am in the city. 
When we returned to Interlaken, a group of us went to a Thai restaurant. Don't get me wrong, I love pasta and cheese and pizza, but a little change in flavors here and there is nice. When dinner was over, we went to a bar called Metro Bar for a little while and then went back to the hostel to hit the hay. 

Sunday (Day 3)
Sunday morning we woke up and went on a walk to the lake to take some pretty pictures. It was so relaxing to stroll around the town and end up at a peaceful, beautiful lake. 

This background looks fake

Always cheering on the Frogs!

Once we had a nice photo shoot, we walked into town and got some juice at Blueberry's before we had to be back on the bus for the drive home. 

That's all for now! Stay tuned for a post about the crazy adventures of the past week!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

They Learn Young

Just a quick story for y'all!

Yesterday, Julie and I were getting on the elevator in our building and a little boy (about 2 years old) and his mom were getting on too. He pointed at us and started saying "Bella! Bella!"

It was the most precious thing! Italian boys start flirting very wonder they have a reputation!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Roma: La Citta Eterna

My feet are propped up and I am recovering from a long weekend of tours and exploring in Rome. Last time I went to Rome, I was there for a day and really didn't like it because we tried to see everything in 8 hours. It was nice to spend a weekend there and spread the site seeing out over three days.

Day 1:
We arrived to Rome on Friday, checked into the hotel, and then went for some lunch. That afternoon we did our first walking tour to the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon. We were all most excited for the Trevi Fountain.
Our tour guide was a British man who has lived in College Station, so he loved that we are from Texas. Ellen decided he looks like Where's Waldo, and I think she is right. He was full of information and obviously passionate about the city.
The tradition of the Trevi Fountain is to throw a coin in and that will ensure your return to Rome. I did this six years ago and sure enough, I returned!

My first time at the Trevi Fountain in 2007

My return to Rome

With Julie and Ellen at the Trevi Fountain

The Pantheon

That night was when I decided to celebrate my birthday so I could be with all of my friends at midnight when I turned 21! A big group went to dinner at a yummy pizza and pasta place. My sweet roommate Ellen brought a crown for me to wear around all night. After dinner we went out and met up with the rest of the group so we were all together at midnight. I was glad I got to ring in my birthday with friends surrounding me. I am a lucky girl!

Thank you for the crown, Ellen!

Day 2:
Saturday (my birthday!) we spent about three hours touring the Vatican. We thought we would have to skip the Sistine Chapel, but since the Papel Conclave has been delayed until March 10th or 11th, we were able to see it. This was such a nice surprise! After going through room after room of art, we finally made it to the Chapel. I had seen it before, but it was just as incredible the second time. I must say, though, that the guards yelling "silence!" and "no pictures!" ruined some of the experience.

With Julie and Ellen at the Vatican

After the Sistine Chapel we looked at the line to go inside St. Peter's, but decided it was too long so we set out in search of lunch. Once we grabbed a sandwich, some of us walked to the Spanish Steps and spent time there. It turned out to be a gorgeous day, so being outside was exactly what we needed to do.

With Austin and Ellen at the top of the Spanish Steps

The best part of the day was when we were on our way back from the Spanish Steps and saw someone with a Lauduree bag. Lauduree is a famous macaroon store in Paris and when we found out that there was one in Rome, we started our mission to find the store. It turned out to be on our way home, so naturally we stopped in and bought some. If you haven't had these macaroons, I suggest you find a way to get your hands on some. Your life will be forever changed. I know mine was. 

I bought a box of 8, and am already plotting how I can get more. Maybe they mail them?

That night we were tired, so we went to an early dinner and then hung out at the hotel and attempted to go to bed early.

Day 3:
Sunday started bright and early at 8:00 am when we had to check out of the hotel. Then we speed-walked to the Coliseum to meet Where's Waldo. Most sites in Rome are very strict about reservation times, so we had to get there on time or our spot would be given away. Walking up to Coliseum was amazing. It is such a wonder that something so magnificent and old is still standing. This was definitely my favorite place in Rome. 
We sat down on some steps inside to listen to our tour guide give us a history of the Coliseum (back in the day, it was called the Amphitheater). While we were sitting there, a bird pooped on my head. I was so scared the rest of the day whenever I saw a pigeon. I really don't like them. 

The Romans knew what they were doing

Definitely my favorite visit in Rome

Ellen, Me, Hayley, Lizzy

A work of art

After the Coliseum, we walked to the nearby Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum. This is my favorite area of Rome, because it shows so much history. The ancient Romans truly were master architects and builders.

Rome was great, but Florence is still my favorite, and I am glad to be back!


A Penny for Your Thoughts (Part II)

As I said in the first edition, I have a lot of thoughts and observations that I want to remember; be expecting more of these posts!

1. "Paper here is longer. Apparently they didn't get the 8.5 x 11 memo."
2. "Was that 12 year old really smoking?"
3. "Tuscany has a lot of hills."
4. "But it is also one of the most beautiful places I've seen."
5. "Did the wine tasting man really just use the phrase 'your pee pee area'?"
This one deserves an explanation. The guy was teaching us how to smell the wine properly. To do this, you should put the glass almost in your lap.
6. "I cannot go back to Tom Thumb produce after this."
7. "I'm getting good at typing on a flip phone."
8. "My little phone reminds me of the simpler days of 8th grade."
9. "Did my very intense International Law professor just say she changes lovers every 2-3 months?"
10. "Italians are passionate."
11. "I am really going to like my Global Business class."
12. "I love that you can open the windows here."
13. "Piazzale Michelangelo is my favorite place in the world."
14. "I actually really like cooking and cleaning."
15. "Don't worry mom, I'll be ready for you to cook and clean when I get home."
16. "My feet hurt."