Monday, March 4, 2013

Roma: La Citta Eterna

My feet are propped up and I am recovering from a long weekend of tours and exploring in Rome. Last time I went to Rome, I was there for a day and really didn't like it because we tried to see everything in 8 hours. It was nice to spend a weekend there and spread the site seeing out over three days.

Day 1:
We arrived to Rome on Friday, checked into the hotel, and then went for some lunch. That afternoon we did our first walking tour to the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon. We were all most excited for the Trevi Fountain.
Our tour guide was a British man who has lived in College Station, so he loved that we are from Texas. Ellen decided he looks like Where's Waldo, and I think she is right. He was full of information and obviously passionate about the city.
The tradition of the Trevi Fountain is to throw a coin in and that will ensure your return to Rome. I did this six years ago and sure enough, I returned!

My first time at the Trevi Fountain in 2007

My return to Rome

With Julie and Ellen at the Trevi Fountain

The Pantheon

That night was when I decided to celebrate my birthday so I could be with all of my friends at midnight when I turned 21! A big group went to dinner at a yummy pizza and pasta place. My sweet roommate Ellen brought a crown for me to wear around all night. After dinner we went out and met up with the rest of the group so we were all together at midnight. I was glad I got to ring in my birthday with friends surrounding me. I am a lucky girl!

Thank you for the crown, Ellen!

Day 2:
Saturday (my birthday!) we spent about three hours touring the Vatican. We thought we would have to skip the Sistine Chapel, but since the Papel Conclave has been delayed until March 10th or 11th, we were able to see it. This was such a nice surprise! After going through room after room of art, we finally made it to the Chapel. I had seen it before, but it was just as incredible the second time. I must say, though, that the guards yelling "silence!" and "no pictures!" ruined some of the experience.

With Julie and Ellen at the Vatican

After the Sistine Chapel we looked at the line to go inside St. Peter's, but decided it was too long so we set out in search of lunch. Once we grabbed a sandwich, some of us walked to the Spanish Steps and spent time there. It turned out to be a gorgeous day, so being outside was exactly what we needed to do.

With Austin and Ellen at the top of the Spanish Steps

The best part of the day was when we were on our way back from the Spanish Steps and saw someone with a Lauduree bag. Lauduree is a famous macaroon store in Paris and when we found out that there was one in Rome, we started our mission to find the store. It turned out to be on our way home, so naturally we stopped in and bought some. If you haven't had these macaroons, I suggest you find a way to get your hands on some. Your life will be forever changed. I know mine was. 

I bought a box of 8, and am already plotting how I can get more. Maybe they mail them?

That night we were tired, so we went to an early dinner and then hung out at the hotel and attempted to go to bed early.

Day 3:
Sunday started bright and early at 8:00 am when we had to check out of the hotel. Then we speed-walked to the Coliseum to meet Where's Waldo. Most sites in Rome are very strict about reservation times, so we had to get there on time or our spot would be given away. Walking up to Coliseum was amazing. It is such a wonder that something so magnificent and old is still standing. This was definitely my favorite place in Rome. 
We sat down on some steps inside to listen to our tour guide give us a history of the Coliseum (back in the day, it was called the Amphitheater). While we were sitting there, a bird pooped on my head. I was so scared the rest of the day whenever I saw a pigeon. I really don't like them. 

The Romans knew what they were doing

Definitely my favorite visit in Rome

Ellen, Me, Hayley, Lizzy

A work of art

After the Coliseum, we walked to the nearby Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum. This is my favorite area of Rome, because it shows so much history. The ancient Romans truly were master architects and builders.

Rome was great, but Florence is still my favorite, and I am glad to be back!


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