Monday, March 4, 2013

A Penny for Your Thoughts (Part II)

As I said in the first edition, I have a lot of thoughts and observations that I want to remember; be expecting more of these posts!

1. "Paper here is longer. Apparently they didn't get the 8.5 x 11 memo."
2. "Was that 12 year old really smoking?"
3. "Tuscany has a lot of hills."
4. "But it is also one of the most beautiful places I've seen."
5. "Did the wine tasting man really just use the phrase 'your pee pee area'?"
This one deserves an explanation. The guy was teaching us how to smell the wine properly. To do this, you should put the glass almost in your lap.
6. "I cannot go back to Tom Thumb produce after this."
7. "I'm getting good at typing on a flip phone."
8. "My little phone reminds me of the simpler days of 8th grade."
9. "Did my very intense International Law professor just say she changes lovers every 2-3 months?"
10. "Italians are passionate."
11. "I am really going to like my Global Business class."
12. "I love that you can open the windows here."
13. "Piazzale Michelangelo is my favorite place in the world."
14. "I actually really like cooking and cleaning."
15. "Don't worry mom, I'll be ready for you to cook and clean when I get home."
16. "My feet hurt."

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