Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Roommates

You've seen my apartment; you've heard about my trips; now it's time to hear about the wonderful three ladies I live with.

Julie from Southlake, TX:
Julie and I have known each other since the very beginning of freshman year when we both pledged Zeta. We lived next door to each other in Sherley freshman year and then we both lived in the Zeta house for the next year and a half. Like me, Julie is studying Political Science and plans on going to law school. She is also an Art History major, so she is a great tour guide around the city of Renaissance art.
Another fun tidbit about Julie is that she, along with many other of my friends, plans on marrying my brother.
I am so happy to be going through this experience with one of my very best friends.

Janette from Fort Worth, TX:
Janette is a Sophomore at TCU who was one of the eight "Florence Frogs" on my flight from DFW. She has such a kind heart and can make friends with anyone. Her nickname is "J-Bird" because she flies away from the nest and doesn't come back for a long time. She will leave the house to pick up some groceries and two hours later she returns talking about how she ran into one of her many friends. Not only does she have a million friends, but she also cares deeply for each one. I am lucky to have her in my life!

Ellen from St. Louis, MO:
Ellen and I did not know each other before coming here, but our mutual friend Hayley said we would get along well because we are very similar. Hayley was right! She definitely challenges my title as "Monogram Queen" and we usually order the same thing when we are out to dinner. Ellen is always entertaining us and is a joy to be around.
I am looking forward to continuing our friendship after Florence. We have so many memories together, and I know we will be friends for a long time!

I scored in the roommate category! I could not imagine better girls be by my side as we explore this crazy Italian life. Thank you Julie, Janette, and Ellen for making my time here a million times better!

Be looking for a post about spring break to Prague, Berlin, and Amsterdam!

Happy happy Easter everyone!

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